MAM takes annoying internet on its own in the Max True Crime documentary – Aitrend

MAM takes annoying internet on its own in the Max True Crime documentary

 – Aitrend

Written by Robert Scotchi Published 34 seconds They say that you should not believe everything you read on the Internet because there is a lot of wrong information that floats there, but sometimes we cannot help ourselves. As long as humanity has the ability to tell stories, folklore and long tales were forms of entertainment … Read more

Buffy Fan Splik finds a dual perfect in documentary footage in the 1970s – Aitrend

Buffy Fan Splik finds a dual perfect in documentary footage in the 1970s

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Written by Chris Senelgov Published 12 seconds ago Bouvay is a fatal vampire It was more than a popular fantasy show. It was a TV series about the TV scene by writing the cracking even when we made us love his selective characters. None of these characters may have been more attractive than Spike James … Read more

South Park creators spend $40 million on a ridiculous restaurant in the Paramount+ documentary – Aitrend

South Park creators spend  million on a ridiculous restaurant in the Paramount+ documentary

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Written by Robert Scocchi | Published 25 seconds ago when South Park The episode “Casa Bonita” came out in 2003, and we witnessed Eric Cartman’s unhealthy obsession with what he calls “Disneyland Mexican restaurants” as he made a desperate attempt to kidnap Butters and hide him in a bomb shelter for a week until he … Read more

Prince Harry’s hair loss takes center stage in new Netflix documentary Polo Aitrend

Prince Harry’s hair loss takes center stage in new Netflix documentary Polo


In the ever-evolving saga of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the couple continues to capture the public’s attention, although for reasons that may not be as glamorous as they hoped. Since their dramatic exit from royal duties in January 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been in the spotlight more than ever, thanks … Read more