Yale Uso eliminates John Cena to win WWE Royal Rumble – Aitrend

Yale Uso eliminates John Cena to win WWE Royal Rumble

 – Aitrend

JEY USO got his first victory at Royal Rumble on Saturday, as he exceeds 29 other stars in a dramatic conclusion he saw removing John Cena. Cena and USO were the last two competitors in the 30 -man match. Cena seemed to have sealed the victory after USo threw ropes, but the wrestler clung to, … Read more

Breakthrough single-dose drug eliminates breast tumors in mice without side effects Aitrend

Breakthrough single-dose drug eliminates breast tumors in mice without side effects


Credit: Angiola Harry In search of ever better treatments for breast cancer, medical researchers from the Univ. from Illinois have synthesized a remarkable substance. In small tumors, a single dose of ErSO-TFPy completely eliminated them, while the same dose significantly reduced large tumors. In mice and rats, no harmful side effects were observed. Limited to … Read more