The FIFA report finds a wide variation in the salaries of women, contracts and attendance – Aitrend

The FIFA report finds a wide variation in the salaries of women, contracts and attendance

 – Aitrend

South Africa Thembi KGATLANA working with Eliana Stabile Argentina. Reuters FIFA’s annual report on the women’s game, a deviant number by a small number of top clubs. Among the teams that were appointed as the 1st level, which includes 41 clubs out of 16 countries, the average salary reached about 24,030 dollars, although 16 of … Read more

Buffy Fan Splik finds a dual perfect in documentary footage in the 1970s – Aitrend

Buffy Fan Splik finds a dual perfect in documentary footage in the 1970s

 – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published 12 seconds ago Bouvay is a fatal vampire It was more than a popular fantasy show. It was a TV series about the TV scene by writing the cracking even when we made us love his selective characters. None of these characters may have been more attractive than Spike James … Read more

Netflix Sci-Fi Apocalypse Blockbuster Mega Flop Finally Finds Fans – Aitrend

Netflix Sci-Fi Apocalypse Blockbuster Mega Flop Finally Finds Fans

 – Aitrend

Written by Robert Scocchi | Published 10 seconds ago You may be wondering if there is a suitable movie to watch on Netflix after you finish it Mad Max: Fury Road and Furiosa: The Mad Max Saga On the streamer. Fortunately, there’s a little Mad Max-adjacent movie called Water world It’s streaming now on Netflix, … Read more

Coffee drinkers are at lower risk of head and neck cancer, new research finds Aitrend

Coffee drinkers are at lower risk of head and neck cancer, new research finds


– credit: Katelyn Perry, via Unsplash The last 15 years have seen a remarkable change in the clinical considerations of coffee. Studies examining the caffeinated beverage for its potential effects on several different biological systems, from the kidneys to mood, have classified it as a health drink. Now, research from the University of Utah published … Read more

Stress and inflammation may help trigger Parkinson’s disease, study finds Aitrend

Stress and inflammation may help trigger Parkinson’s disease, study finds


Environmental factors like prolonged stress, chronic inflammation and toxic exposure could play a key role in triggering Parkinson’s diseaseeven in people without genetic risk, according to a Canadian study. A team from McGill University in Montreal published an article last month in Natural neuroscience this may have uncovered a new link between the immune system … Read more

Caterpillar fungus used in Chinese medicine slows the growth of cancer cells, new study finds Aitrend

Caterpillar fungus used in Chinese medicine slows the growth of cancer cells, new study finds


Caterpillar infected by Cordyceps militaris, the pretty orange fungus that produces Cordycepin – By Daniel Winkler, Mushroaming British researchers have discovered one of the secrets of a traditional Chinese medicine based on an orange caterpillar fungus and are touting its potential in the fight against cancer. The mechanism that triggers the anti-inflammatory effects and other … Read more

When your muscles exercise, they help neurons grow and heal 4 times faster, MIT study finds Aitrend

When your muscles exercise, they help neurons grow and heal 4 times faster, MIT study finds


Natalia Blauth / Unsplash+ There’s no doubt that exercise does the body good – building muscles and strengthening our bones, blood vessels and immune systems – but MIT engineers have discovered that it also has health benefits. individual neurons. They observed that when muscles contract during exercise, they release a soup of biochemical signals called … Read more