Patrick Stewart gave the best advice to Star Trek writer in Picard – Aitrend

Patrick Stewart gave the best advice to Star Trek writer in Picard

 – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published 29 seconds Ronald Moore was one of the largest architects in the Golden Age at Star Trek. Next generation In its third season and helped form the concession for a decade. These days, it is known as The Showrunner BATLESTAR GALACTICA The restart chain, but when he brought him his … Read more

The X-Files Studio Memorandum gave two favorite fan – Aitrend

The X-Files Studio Memorandum gave two favorite fan

 – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published 20 seconds ago We usually think about the network notes as a form of creative overlap, which is a way for some suffocating executives in tampering with our favorite programs and reducing the creative vision of the show. but, X. Unique in the history of television for the number of … Read more

They paid for the houses. Zimbabwe never gave them any deeds. Aitrend

They paid for the houses. Zimbabwe never gave them any deeds.


MUTARE, ZIMBABWE — Plena James Poroto vividly remembers her joy when she moved into her new home in 1995, in a newly commissioned apartment building in the Old Location area of ​​Sakubva, a high-density suburb of this eastern border town. The new apartments were part of the national government’s response to a growing need for … Read more