Scientists exploit a ghost member to allow an amputee to feel hot and cold in new prostheses Aitrend

Scientists exploit a ghost member to allow an amputee to feel hot and cold in new prostheses


The MINITOUCH device – Credit EPFL Alain Herzog – CC 4.0. By-Sa Phantom Bimba is one of those lasting medical mysteries: that someone could feel sensations in a hand that had long been lost for amputation. A bit like exploiting the placebo effect, scientists have been able to stimulate nerve endings on the skin of … Read more

“Slocking ghost”: crooks selling faux car insurance increases by 30% over five years | British news Aitrend

“Slocking ghost”: crooks selling faux car insurance increases by 30% over five years | British news


The “ghost brokerage” reports, the crooks selling fact assurance, have increased by 30% in the past five years, reveals the exclusive data obtained by Sky News. Ghost brokers sell fake drivers, manipulate information provided to the real insurance companies, or take out insurance and cancel them immediately. This leaves people without valid car insurance, which … Read more