High levels of fitness linked to lower risk of dementia in people with a genetic predisposition Aitrend

High levels of fitness linked to lower risk of dementia in people with a genetic predisposition


Getty Images/Unsplash+ High levels of fitness are linked to a lower risk of dementia in people with a genetic predisposition to the disease, according to a new study. Improving cardiorespiratory fitness could therefore be a strategy when a patient has a strong genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers say this could reduce the danger by … Read more

Lithium mining leaves cities high and dry Aitrend

Lithium mining leaves cities high and dry


Like others in the region, he says local communities accepted the mining companies out of necessity, in the hope that they would generate jobs and development in a region with a subsistence economy. “Communities wanted to contribute to the country. They wanted to generate work, to connect to the world,” he says. “Maybe we didn’t … Read more