Star Wars did not need an order 66 to kill all Capricorn – Aitrend

Star Wars did not need an order 66 to kill all Capricorn

 – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published 16 seconds ago in Revenge from SethWe saw how the twisted Palpatine 66 caused the killing of the soldiers in all parts of the galaxy the largest possible number of my grandfather, as Dartheter led the charge to kill Naja. For this reason, Vader and Palpatine in general are the … Read more

Why does it take only a bad one to kill the ancient science fiction privilege for decades – Aitrend

Why does it take only a bad one to kill the ancient science fiction privilege for decades

 – Aitrend

Written by Jonathan Clotz Published 3 hours ago Stargate was not like Star Wars and Star Trek, but both Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis It ended up finding a large fan base specifically because it was different from the two large two. Embrace an enjoyable spirit of adventure and a group of personalities that have … Read more

Black Death vaccine developed by Covid scientists amid fears disease could return and kill millions Aitrend

Black Death vaccine developed by Covid scientists amid fears disease could return and kill millions


Scientists behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine are developing a bubonic plague vaccine amid growing concerns about the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of the Black Death. Plague has killed approximately 200 million people throughout history, causing three of the world’s seven known pandemics. Although the bacterial infection can currently be treated with antibiotics, none of the … Read more