Civilians remain imprisoned by Ugandan military courts, despite the decision of the Supreme Court Aitrend

Civilians remain imprisoned by Ugandan military courts, despite the decision of the Supreme Court


District of Wakiso, Uganda – the Supreme Court of Uganda ruled in January that prosecution by civilians in the military courts were unconstitutional. When this happened, Ann was ecstatic. Her brother was four years old in pre -trial detention. For her, the decision meant that it would be free in a few days. He had … Read more

Punjab won 164 medals to remain at the top of the medal tally – Aitrend

Punjab won 164 medals to remain at the top of the medal tally

 – Aitrend

ISLAMABAD: Medal details have been released for the competitions held on December 18 during the Quaid-e-Azam Inter-Provincial Games, organized by the Pakistan Sports Council. Punjab won a total of 164 medals, including 77 gold, 50 silver and 37 bronze. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa won 91 medals, including 24 gold, 30 silver and 37 bronze. Sindh won 72 … Read more