Zimbabwe accumulates for the resurgence of HIV while American aid evaporates Aitrend

Zimbabwe accumulates for the resurgence of HIV while American aid evaporates


Harare, Zimbabwe – Rumbidzai, a sex worker of the animated colony of Epworth in Harare, has been taking antiretroviral drugs for more than two years. For more than two years, the mother of three had been on mobile clinics that regularly visit her community to offer Vital services such as such services of such vital … Read more

The Ugandans fear the resurgence of AIDS to the closure of health clinics Aitrend

The Ugandans fear the resurgence of AIDS to the closure of health clinics


Kampala, Uganda – Clinics that provide drugs to people with HIV / AIDS, as well as drugs that prevent the transmission of virus, closed here this week while the United States has stopped almost all of the foreign development aid . “These services are no longer. All the staff of the clinic have been terminated, … Read more