Sick salary booss for 1.3 million workers who are less well paid | Money news Aitrend

Sick salary booss for 1.3 million workers who are less well paid | Money news


About 1.3 million people at low salary must guarantee guaranteed sickness remuneration for the first time in order to stimulate health and standard of living, the government announced. Those who earn less than £ 123 per week on average will be entitled to an equivalent of sick remuneration of 80% of their weekly salary or … Read more

University of Guelph sees positive norovirus test as 190 people report feeling sick Aitrend

University of Guelph sees positive norovirus test as 190 people report feeling sick


Reduce article font size Increase the font size of the article An Ontario public health official says he detected norovirus among a group of 190 people reporting symptoms of gastroenteritis at the University of Guelph over the past week. Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph public health spokesperson Danny Williamson said the norovirus-positive sample arrived Friday, days after a surge … Read more

Bold and Beautiful: Luna split in two or sick monster spawned by Poppy? Aitrend

Bold and Beautiful: Luna split in two or sick monster spawned by Poppy?


Bold and beautiful I can’t do much with it Luna Nozawabecause she probably spends her life in prison, and even Poppy Nozawa wants to disown the child she fathered on the CBS soap opera. But it seems Guest rooms is about to achieve the impossible, reboot this young killer for a new storyline. Then Bill … Read more

Days of Our Lives: Belle’s New Guy Makes Shawn Sick – Disgusting Rebound Aitrend

Days of Our Lives: Belle’s New Guy Makes Shawn Sick – Disgusting Rebound


The days of our lives are over Beautiful Black And Shawn BradyIt’s the wedding this week. And soon, Belle is in a rebound relationship. And we’ll see Shawn’s strong reaction. This will probably be pretty hostile considering who Belle chooses after Shawn on DOOL. Shawn Brady (Brandon Beemer) cheated on Belle Black (Martha Madison) and … Read more

Listeria outbreak leaves one infant dead in California and 10 others sick, says US CDC – National Aitrend

University of Guelph sees positive norovirus test as 190 people report feeling sick


A California an infant died and at least 10 other people fell ill during an outbreak of listeria Food poisoning linked to ready-to-eat meat and poultry products, including chicken feet, duck neck, beef shank and pork shank, federal health officials reported Friday. Yu Shang Food, Inc., of Spartanburg, South Carolina, has recalled more than 72,000 … Read more