Patrick Stewart gave the best advice to Star Trek writer in Picard – Aitrend

Patrick Stewart gave the best advice to Star Trek writer in Picard

 – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published 29 seconds Ronald Moore was one of the largest architects in the Golden Age at Star Trek. Next generation In its third season and helped form the concession for a decade. These days, it is known as The Showrunner BATLESTAR GALACTICA The restart chain, but when he brought him his … Read more

The tumultuous separation: Martha Stewart and Ina Garten’s friendship in danger Aitrend

The tumultuous separation: Martha Stewart and Ina Garten’s friendship in danger


In a surprising turn of events, culinary icons Martha Stewart and Ina Garten found themselves at odds, sparking speculation about the state of their longtime friendship. What was once a bond forged in the vibrant Hamptons social scene of the 1990s has now become a public spectacle of disagreement and tension, leaving fans of both … Read more

Alastair Stewart says he can’t tie his shoelaces or tie his tie in heartbreaking admission Aitrend

Alastair Stewart says he can’t tie his shoelaces or tie his tie in heartbreaking admission


Legendary broadcaster and former GB News star Alastair Stewart told the People’s Channel that new dementia figures had left him “disheartened”. Alzheimer’s Research UK revealed that 75,393 people died from dementia in 2023, compared to 74,261 in 2022. READ FULL STORY

Martha Stewart claims Ryan Reynolds isn’t funny in real life, after being his neighbor – Aitrend

Martha Stewart claims Ryan Reynolds isn’t funny in real life, after being his neighbor

 – Aitrend

Written by Chris Snellgrove | Published 1 week ago One of the reasons for this Deadpool Wolverine What has been a huge hit is that Ryan Reynolds is so funny…a natural comedian who always puts “maximum effort” into his on-screen one-liners. After seeing him play the clown in role after role, we always assumed he … Read more