Former Australia Magil is guilty of cocaine supply cocaine – Aitrend

Former Australia Magil is guilty of cocaine supply cocaine

 – Aitrend

Former Australia Test Stewart McGill. AFP/File The former Cricket player in Australia, Stewart McGil, was convicted of participating in the supply of Cocaine by the Sydney Court on Thursday after the jury cleared him of his involvement in the commercial offer of the property. ABC state broadcaster reported that the 54 -year -old, who admitted … Read more

Billions of people could benefit from this advance in desalination which guarantees the supply of fresh water around the world Aitrend

Billions of people could benefit from this advance in desalination which guarantees the supply of fresh water around the world


A new approach to speeding up the evaporation of seawater has been hailed as a major breakthrough in desalination technology that will benefit billions of people around the world. Up to 36% of the world’s eight billion people currently suffer from severe freshwater shortages for at least four months of the year, and this figure … Read more