Civilians remain imprisoned by Ugandan military courts, despite the decision of the Supreme Court Aitrend

Civilians remain imprisoned by Ugandan military courts, despite the decision of the Supreme Court


District of Wakiso, Uganda – the Supreme Court of Uganda ruled in January that prosecution by civilians in the military courts were unconstitutional. When this happened, Ann was ecstatic. Her brother was four years old in pre -trial detention. For her, the decision meant that it would be free in a few days. He had … Read more

Typhoo Tea officially enters administration but could soon be bought by Supreme | Money News Aitrend

Typhoo Tea officially enters administration but could soon be bought by Supreme | Money News


Typhoo Tea has entered receivership, but a buyer could already be on the verge of taking over the struggling business. Administrators were appointed for the more than 100-year-old tea brand on Wednesday, but a potential buyer has already emerged. Consumer goods wholesaler Supreme said its takeover discussions were “at an advanced stage”, but warned that … Read more