Hermoso “is steeped” by the forced kiss, the teammates of the trial says – Aitrend

Hermoso “is steeped” by the forced kiss, the teammates of the trial says

 – Aitrend

Jenny Hermoso is witnessing on the first day of the trial of Rubiales – National Court, Madrid, Spain, February 3, 2025 – Reuters Maadrid: Jenny Hermoso was “sunken” by the former Spanish council of Luis Rubiales and was unable to enjoy winning the Women’s World Cup. Rubiales ignited a global anger at the qiblah on … Read more

Emergency vaccine trial launched to interrupt the fatal strain Aitrend

Emergency vaccine trial launched to interrupt the fatal strain


An emergency vaccination trial was launched to combat a new epidemic of the deadly strain of the Sudan virus of the Ebola virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the Uganda test had been established with “unprecedented speed” in what could serve as a model to manage future epidemics of disease. The rapid deployment … Read more

Meta pays the Trump trial for $ 25 million on social media suspension Aitrend

Meta pays the Trump trial for $ 25 million on social media suspension


In a historic decision, Meta Platforms Inc., Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, agreed with a substantial of 25 million dollars with former president Donald Trump. This agreement resolves a federal legal action that Trump’s legal team filed in 2021. The prosecution accused the meta of violation of the rights of the first amendment of Trump … Read more

Business and Commerce Committee calls for government to be fined as Post Office victims face ‘second trial’ in fight for redress | Money News Aitrend

Business and Commerce Committee calls for government to be fined as Post Office victims face ‘second trial’ in fight for redress | Money News


A committee of MPs has called for the government to be fined if it fails to provide redress quickly enough to victims of the Horizon software scandal, as its report says the Post Office spent at least £136m on legal costs. New legally enforceable deadlines for each stage of claims processing should be introduced, according … Read more

Ozempic linked to risk of rare irreversible vision loss after large-scale trial Aitrend

Ozempic linked to risk of rare irreversible vision loss after large-scale trial


A new study has found that diabetes patients using Ozempic have more than twice the risk of developing a rare form of vision loss compared to those taking other diabetes medications. The research, which examined patient records from Denmark and Norway, links the blockbuster drug to an increased risk of NAION, a disease affecting the … Read more

Vaccine trial results in 88% survival rate after 3 years Aitrend

Vaccine trial results in 88% survival rate after 3 years


Study author, William Gillanders – credit, SWNS Breast cancer patients have found new hope after a new vaccine showed “promise” in treating an aggressive form of the disease. The findings come from a clinical trial involving U.S. patients with triple-negative breast cancer who received an experimental drug designed to prevent tumors from recurring. The trial, … Read more