Breakthrough single-dose drug eliminates breast tumors in mice without side effects Aitrend

Breakthrough single-dose drug eliminates breast tumors in mice without side effects


Credit: Angiola Harry In search of ever better treatments for breast cancer, medical researchers from the Univ. from Illinois have synthesized a remarkable substance. In small tumors, a single dose of ErSO-TFPy completely eliminated them, while the same dose significantly reduced large tumors. In mice and rats, no harmful side effects were observed. Limited to … Read more

New solution for metastatic ovarian cancer based on approach from nearly a century ago shrinks tumors Aitrend

New solution for metastatic ovarian cancer based on approach from nearly a century ago shrinks tumors


Nan Zhang (left) studies cancerous tumors in the laboratory – Courtesy of the Wistar Institute A new combination led to tumor regression in preclinical laboratory trials by scientists at the nonprofit Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological cancer, with low survival rates because it is naturally resistant to chemotherapy, so its … Read more

In 10 seconds, AI model detects cancerous brain tumors often missed during surgery Aitrend

In 10 seconds, AI model detects cancerous brain tumors often missed during surgery


A University of Michigan Health neurosurgical team performing an operation – credit Chris Hedly, Michigan Medicine. Researchers have developed an AI-powered model that can determine in 10 seconds during surgery whether there is any part of a cancerous brain tumor remaining that could be removed. The technology, called FastGlioma, far outperformed conventional methods of identifying … Read more

“Covid could cure cancer”: researchers make an astonishing discovery on the regression of tumors Aitrend

“Covid could cure cancer”: researchers make an astonishing discovery on the regression of tumors


Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery linking Covid to cancer regression, potentially opening new avenues of treatment. Researchers at Northwest Medicine Thoracic Canning Institute discovered that the virus that causes Covid can trigger the development of special immune cells capable of attacking and destroying cancerous tissue. The surprising findings, published in the Journal of Clinical … Read more