The simple question of the veterinarian inspires the wave of Liquid Donations IV which would normally be thrown away Aitrend

The simple question of the veterinarian inspires the wave of Liquid Donations IV which would normally be thrown away


Insung Yoon credit, via Unsplash An intelligent veterinarian helps tackle a shortage of IV liquids for animal care by accepting remaining liquid donations of blood banks. Although hospital regulations in Australia and probably in most countries dictate that the remains of intravenous liquid, also known as a saline solution, should be thrown for health standards, … Read more

Hospitals bring back masks to protect against “quademic” as flu wave “peaks in 10 days” Aitrend

Hospitals bring back masks to protect against “quademic” as flu wave “peaks in 10 days”


Several major British hospitals have reintroduced Covid-style restrictions, including mandatory masks, as they grapple with a wave of winter illnesses dubbed a “quad-demic”. The measures come as healthcare facilities face “exceptionally high demand” from patients suffering from a combination of influenza, Covid-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and norovirus. Several hospitals were forced to declare critical … Read more

The Wave review: Netflix disaster movie wreaks havoc – Aitrend

The Wave review: Netflix disaster movie wreaks havoc

 – Aitrend

By TJ Small | Published 1 week ago Now, we’re all aware Netflix’s library is full of well-made foreign films, expanding our worldview into a whole world of excellent experiences. One of these movies includes The wave, A critically acclaimed Norwegian project that became a huge hit on Netflix after its release in 2015. Disaster … Read more